Sunday 26 April 2015

700 million monthly active users and 70 % Active each and every day : WhatsApp ...!!

WhatsApp hits 1 billion installs on Android, the second non-Google app to do so

While many questioned whether Facebook had paid too much to acquire WhatsApp last year, the mobile messaging app’s already formidable numbers continue to impress more than 12 months on.

Indeed, WhatsApp for Android has now notched up a staggering one billion downloads on Android alone, making it only the second non Google app to achieve this milestone. We know this because Google Play publishes installation ranges for each app, and in WhatsApp’s case this now shows as being between 1 billion and 5 billion downloads.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that one billion people on Android are actively using the app back in January, WhatsApp revealed it has 700 million monthly active users (MAU) across iOS and Android, 70 percent of whom are active each and every day. Two months on, that MAU figure will no doubt have increased, but it’s hard to say exactly how many of the 1 billion-plus Android installs are active users.
Also, it’s worth noting here that while Google calculates app downloads on a per account basis rather than per device, it doesn’t consider those who have uninstalled the app. So this doesn’t mean there are 1 billion people or devices out there with WhatsApp currently installed.
Nonetheless, very few apps have achieved such a high number of downloads Gmail, Google Maps, and YouTube have managed it, while Facebook became the first non Google service to meet that magic milestone last year. Now with WhatsApp, Facebook has two applications with at least one billion Android installations each.

While the $22 billion price tag may still seem a little hefty, Facebook knew what it was buying into when it took on the mobile messaging app last year it was future-proofing itself and ensuring it remained relevant as a company, at a time when there are so many different means of communication at our disposal.

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திருக்குறள்/ Thirukkural : எழுதியது/ wrote by: திருவள்ளுவர்/Thiruvalluvar
குறள் பால்/Section/Paal: அறத்துப்பால்/Virtue/Araththuppaal 1. 
குறள் இயல்/ChapterGroup/Iyal: பாயிரவியல்/Prologue/Paayiraviyal 1. 
அதிகாரம்/ Chapter/Adhigaram: வான்சிறப்பு/The Blessing of Rain/Vaansirappu 2
குறள் வரிசை/Number: 5

கெடுப்பதூஉம் கெட்டார்க்குச் சார்வாய்மற் றாங்கே
எடுப்பதூஉம் எல்லாம் மழை.

Ketuppadhooum Kettaarkkuch Chaarvaaimar Raange
Etuppadhooum Ellaam Mazhai 

உரை(விளக்கம்)/ Explanation: பரிமேலழகர்
கெடுப்பதூஉம் - பூமியின்கண் வாழ்வாரைப் பெய்யாது நின்று கெடுப்பதூஉம்; கெட்டார்க்குச்சார்வாய் மற்று ஆங்கேஎடுப்பதூஉம்-அவ்வாறு கெட்டார்க்குத் துணையாய்ப் பெய்து முன் கெடுத்தாற் போல எடுப்பதூஉம்; எல்லாம் மழை - இவை எல்லாம் வல்லது மழை. ('மற்று' வினை மாற்றின்கண் வந்தது, ஆங்குஎன்பது மறுதலைத் தொழிலுவமத்தின்கண் வந்த உவமச்சொல். கேடும் ஆக்கமும் எய்துதற்கு உரியார் மக்கள் ஆதலின், 'கெட்டார்க்கு என்றார்'. 'எல்லாம்' என்றது, அம்மக்கள் முயற்சி வேறுபாடுகளால் கெடுத்தல் எடுத்தல்கள் தாம் பலவாதல் நோக்கி. 'வல்லது' என்பது அவாய் நிலையான் வந்தது. மழையினது ஆற்றல் கூறியவாறு.).

'Tis rain works all: it ruin spreads, then timely aid supplies;
As, in the happy days before, it bids the ruined rise மூலம் குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது/Referred by: மூலம் குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது/Referred by:

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Arc Welder: Android app run's every machine Windows, Mac and Linux. !!!

Android apps to run on Windows, Macs and Linux

Google has released a tool that lets Android apps run on any machine that can run its Chrome browser. Called Arc Welder, the tool acts as a wrapper around Android apps so they can run on Windows, OSX and Linux machines.

The software expands the places that Android apps can run and might make it easier for developers to get code working on different machines. But one developer said it was better to write apps that run "natively" rather than via separate software.

Native code

Arc the App Runtime for Chrome was first released in late 2014 as a way for Android apps to run on machines running Google's Chrome operating system. The OS is used on many netbooks and other small machines made by Google and some of its hardware partners.

Now Google has produced a new tool, called Arc Welder, which converts Android apps into versions that can be used with the Chrome browser, not just the OS. With Welder it has also added support for many Google Play services so when apps are converted they do not lose access to payment systems, maps and other functions they expect.

In its developer documentation, Google said the underlying technology for Arc Welder meant converted apps should run almost as quickly as they did on a phone or tablet. With Arc Welder Google, it is seeking a way to help developers get their creations onto as many machines as possible, but one developer was not sure it would accomplish that aim.

"The best way to make apps by far is to make them natively using the tools that they give us," said Sam Furr, director and co-founder of development studio The App Developers. He said that moving away from those well-known development systems can mean losing some behaviours, such as touch combinations, that people expect. He also wondered if a converted app running via a browser sitting in a separate operating system would be as fast as one developed natively.

Running a phone app on a desktop would inevitably mean losing some functions, he said, because bigger computers lack some of the extras, such as accelerometers and GPS receivers, that are now standard on smartphones. Mr Furr said the ability to reach lots of different operating systems with just one app was potentially attractive.
"When building an app you want to get it to as many people as possible but you have to ask how long it will take to get it on other platforms," he said. "There's no shortage of cross-platform frameworks and some of them are very good," he said, "but in our experience you do not get the same end product as you would when you build it natively."

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திருக்குறள்/ Thirukkural : எழுதியது/ wrote by: திருவள்ளுவர்/Thiruvalluvar
குறள் பால்/Section/Paal: அறத்துப்பால்/Virtue/Araththuppaal 1.
குறள் இயல்/ChapterGroup/Iyal: பாயிரவியல்/Prologue/Paayiraviyal 1.
அதிகாரம்/ Chapter/Adhigaram: வான்சிறப்பு/The Blessing of Rain/Vaansirappu 2..
குறள் வரிசை/Number: 3

விண்இன்று பொய்ப்பின் விரிநீர் வியனுலகத்து
உள்நின்று உடற்றும் பசி.

Vinindru Poippin Virineer Viyanulakaththu
Ulnindru Utatrum Pasi

உரை(விளக்கம்)/ Explanationபரிமேலழகர்

விண் இன்று பொய்ப்பின் - மழை வேண்டுங்காலத்துப் பெய்யாது பொய்க்கும் ஆயின்; விரி நீர் வியன் உலகத்துள் - கடலால் சூழப்பட்ட அகன்ற உலகத்தின்கண்; நின்று உடற்றும் பசி - நிலை பெற்று உயிர்களை வருத்தும் பசி. (கடலுடைத்தாயினும் அதனால் பயன் இல்லை யென்பார், 'விரி நீர் வியன் உலகத்து' என்றார். உணவு இன்மையின் பசியான் உயிர்கள் இறக்கும் என்பதாம்.).

If clouds, that promised rain, deceive, and in the sky remain,
Famine, sore torment, stalks o'er earth's vast ocean-girdled plain மூலம் குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது/Referred by: மூலம் குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது/Referred by: