Friday 4 April 2014

Project ara (OPEN SMARTPHONE) is not alone... now LAPTOP too... Check NOVENA World first OPEN LAPTOP...!!!!

Crowdfunding begins for the Novena Open Laptop

The computers we use on a daily basis seem to be becoming ever more closed. Sure, you can still purchase components and build a PC, but laptops and tablets are much more popular, and the only choice you have with those comes with a limited set of option at point of purchase.
Andrew Huang, well known hacker and author of the book Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering, wasn’t happy with not having complete control over the computers he was using. So as a hobby project he started to develop an open hardware computing platform which he and fellow hacker Sean Cross called Novena.

Novena took the form of a laptop you could build yourself, and when Huang unveiled it back in January, there was a surprising amount of interest. So much so that this week, Novena became a crowdfunded project you can back and eventually own.

Crowdfunding is being handled through CrowdSupply rather than the more popular sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The funding goal is $250,000, which must be raised before the closing date of May 18.

There are multiple funding options, with $500 getting you just the board, $1,195 securing you an All-in-One Desktop version, and $1,995 for the complete laptop. There’s also a limited run of Novena in a specially-designed wooden case, but you’ll need to put down $5,000 to get one of those.

Novena clearly isn’t cheap, but then Huang and Cross don’t have the benefit of mass production (yet). You are funding a future platform after all, and helping the hardware project get off the ground. The internals of the machine aren’t exactly high performance, either. You get a 1.2GHz quad-core Freescale ARM processor, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 4GB microSD card, Debian Linux, and the option of battery and SSD depending on your pledge level.

The crowdfunding campaign has only been live a day and $64,000 of the $250,000 goal has already been raised. So it seems likely the Novena will be successful if this carries on.

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